German Cancer Research Center
More than 450,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each year in Germany. Cancer is a disease that poses enormous challenges to research, because every cancer is different and its course can vary immensely even from one patient to the next. To perform research into cancer is the task of the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) according to its statutes. DKFZ is the largest biomedical research institute in Germany and a member of the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers. In over 70 divisions and research groups, our more than 2,500 employees, of which more than 1,000 are scientists, are investigating the mechanisms of cancer, are identifying cancer risk factors and are trying to find strategies to prevent people from getting cancer. They are developing novel approaches to make tumor diagnosis more precise and treatment of cancer patients more successful.
In 2008, a very special distinction was the Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to Professor Harald zur Hausen, who discovered that human papillomaviruses (HPV) cause cervical cancer.
In this subproject, we will provide central data management and storage. We will host raw sequencing data from different participating facilities and align them to reference genomes according to common standards. The central data storage will be tightly linked with the application server that is developed in SP 1-1 (MPI Informatics).
We will also take care of fast and secure data transfer from and to our lab, sequencing facilities and bioinformatician collaboration partners. For this purpose we will provide IT infrastructure for both fast data transfer as well as data storage. For the latter one we will extend our existing LSDF (Large Scale Data Facility) with some more 100 Terabytes, for the first one we will provide an Aspera server for faster and smooth data transfer.
Principal Investigators
- Dr. Benedikt Brors
- Head of Computational Oncology
- Im Neuenheimer Feld 580, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
- Tel: +49 6221423614
- Fax: +49 6221423620
- Prof. Dr. Roland Eils
- Head of Department eilsLabs
- Tel: +49 6221423601
- Fax: +49 6221423620